Whanikwo – The Woman who came back

Animationsfilm / Drama
Kanada 2013
Regie: Adolpho Ruiz
Länge: 8:45 min
Sprache: Englisch/Tlicho

Der Film „Woman Who Came Back“ basiert auf einer mündlichen Erzählung der Ältesten aus der Region Tlicho aus den Nordwest-Territorien in Kanada. Die Geschichte folgt der historischen Reise der ersten Tlicho um mit den Europäern im 18. Jahrhundert Kontakt zu machen. Nachdem sie unterworfen und gezwungen wurde, mit einem benachbarten Stamm zu reisen, flieht die Protagonistin zu einem Handelsposten. Dort lernt sie neue Fertigkeiten und Erkenntnisse, die sie zurück zu ihrer Heimat bringt.

The Woman Who Came Back is based on an oral narrative shared by elders from the Tlicho region of the Northwest Territories. The story follows the historic journey of the first Tlicho to make contact with Europeans in the 18th Century. After being subjugated and forced to travel with a neighbouring tribe, the protagonist escapes to a trading post where she learns of new knowledge that she brings back to her region. The film is the result of an 18-month research collaboration between youth and elders in the community of Behchoko, and filmmaker Adolfo Ruiz.

The Woman Who Came Back is based on an oral narrative shared by elders from the Tlicho region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. The story follows the historic journey of the first Tlicho to make contact with Europeans in the Eighteenth Century. After being subjugated and forced to travel with a neighboring tribe, the protagonist escapes to a trading post where she learns of new knowledge that she brings back to her region. The film is the result of an 18 month research collaboration between youth and elders in the community of Behchoko, and filmmaker Adolfo Ruiz. The visualization of this project has combined indigenous methodologies with the practice of art, design and animation.